Respect for privacy

The data that you entrust to us in the context of the use of our site are processed by TOREC AB for the purposes of technical management, analysis and/or statistics, communication and marketing, on the basis of your explicit consent. (in accordance with the “General Data Protection Regulation”, “GDPR”). You have the rights of access, rectification, opposition, deletion and portability, which you can exercise by sending your request to the following address: For more information, we invite you to consult our personal data protection policy.


Personal data protection policy

Because your privacy is important to us and as part of our activities we have to process personal data from our website, this document aims to inform users about to the commitments made by TOREC AB. We are committed to preserving the confidentiality, integrity and availability of personal data in accordance with the provisions of EU Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (“General Data Protection Regulation”, “GDPR”). This is why we implement appropriate technical, logistical and organizational security measures to protect them. These measures ensure a level of security adapted to the risks that accompany the processing of personal data collected in the context of the use of this site. Given the constant evolution of laws and regulations in terms of technology and the protection of personal data, this policy will be updated regularly. The Data Controller of this data is: the Director.


Typical use of our website

When you browse this website, it may collect personal data about you. The categories of data likely to be collected in this way are as follows: technical browsing data (IP address, connection logs, etc.); data relating to your visits to our site; data relating to the equipment used; data relating to the use of social networks when you use the functionalities. This data is partly collected for the purpose of complying with our legal obligations, as well as for the purposes of technical management and statistical analysis of our site. This collected data is exclusively intended for internal use and used by TOREC AB. We take particular care never to transmit this data to third parties except to service providers and technical development of the site. The latter are bound by contractual obligations to respect the confidentiality of the data and to use them only for the purposes for which we transmit them. The data collected as part of a traditional use of our site is kept for a period not exceeding 13 months.


Rights of opposition and modification

In accordance with the provisions of the GDPR and the amended Data Protection Act, you have a set of rights relating to the data that you entrust to us. You can therefore contact us at any time to: access and have your personal data rectified, as well as to ask us for a copy of the data concerning you in our possession (right of access and rectification); object to the processing of your data for legitimate reasons (right of opposition); within the limits provided for by the texts, request that the processing of your data be limited or your data erased (right to limitation and erasure); receive a copy of your data in a structured, readable and commonly used format, in order to transmit it to another data controller (right to portability); define directives relating to the fate of your data after your death. To exercise these rights, you can contact us by email at or by post at the following postal address: TOREC AB – BOX 1088 – SE 251 10, Helsingborg, Sweden. In order to verify your identity and to avoid transmitting your data to third parties, you must attach to your requests a copy of your identity card in a readable format. This copy will be destroyed immediately after confirmation of your identity and will not be processed for any other purpose. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority.


Links to third-party sites

Our site may contain links to other websites and various social media platforms operated on third-party servers by persons or organizations over which TOREC AB has no control. Therefore, we can in no way be held responsible for the way your data will be stored or used on the servers of these third parties. We advise you to read the applicable data protection policy of each third-party website that you access via our site in order to assess how your data will be used.